Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Humbled for less stress

Is how I feel since for poker things have not been good at all. Though I have fixed that currently and have an easy way to rebuild I feel humbled as the title says. For one I got a cold at the street fest and had to stop my diet/workout routine and eat some normal food. Mainly because my body felt like it needed it and I could not work out in the condition I was in. So this week we started again for a new 6 weeks. I also basically bustoed my stars account and am rebuilding the old fashioned way which is also inspired by the Boku87 pro bet. I am playing lower stakes sngs where my roi is 20%+ and I make $1-2 a game. This is a grind but I am playing 100+ games a day and running a little better then expected so far.
I just don't want the stress of losing more money and if you can print money at the lower stakes I say do it. So basically my plan is to grind the 150 dollars I had left in my account into 10K. While I'm not going to do it in 15 days like Boku I think it should take me about 8 weeks at most. I think after that I will go back to playing my normal games and more cash. The workout diet thing last 6 weeks so I'm aiming to have the new me and the grind done around the same time. It's a good goal and I'm happy doing it since I need my life stress free to prepair for the summer. I also played that live big HA game and basically ran really bad. NO ONE folds because they don't care about the money and I have just gotten unlucky for several 1k+ pots. Again I just don't need stress so I'm going to swim with the fishies for a little while. I also told my brother I would teach him to do what I'm doing at the low stakes so this is good practice as he comes home from school soon. Already running at about 2 buxs a game so ship 1k games a week and 1-2k profit and holla holla. Saw Paper Route again Sunday and they are amazing for sure. Also went out on Saturday and had a great amazing time with my friends. So I'm going into this week happy that I already got my workout routine and groove down since I did "week 1" already. I'm also happy that I will just work hard like most people and see the results of just grinding it out. Oh I also did lose 7lbs. in the 1st week of the diet but put a few back on while not working out and eatting. So i am starting again weighting less, ship it. I already played about 100 games though I think I'm going to go run and hit the sauna. Feels good to be a bit ahead of my targets and I'm happy living a stress free, humbled week. Good luck to everyone this week

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