Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back Home

Today is my birthday which is always an interesting time for me, figured I should write a blog. Just got back from Vegas, which all and all was a good time. I got 23rd in a 940ish person Venetian event that was pretty frustrating then proceeded to brick the other events I played for the rest of the summer. Also ran really bad at cash games in really standard spots where the money goes in. I feel I played well for the most part and grew as a poker player and a person. It was a crazy time living in Vegas for the summer and partying with all my friends old and new. Some highlights include leaving the Rhino at 9am, Tables at Tryst next to Joe Hachem and Antonio Esfandiari after Stone Temple Pilots, leaving the car somewhere else 4/7 nights, Matisyahu and then Tryst again etc etc. There are better stories but as the saying goes.... The place really does hold a special place in my heart though I feel I lost a little bit of myself at times. Honestly I was really looking forward to something the whole time I was there and missed Texas as a result. I actually left Vegas a week early as I was just over it and didn't want to be alone as most friends were leaving.
I wanted to get back to Texas and possibly work on something I had been looking forward to for a really long time. As of now I don't really think it's in the cards, which is very upsetting but such is life. I always end up hitting a higher point of insight after an emotionally frustrating time and now should be no different. I have some solid goals in mind and am happy knowing now matter what happens, I will be fine. So the goal is to enjoy this week and perhaps see Tool this weekend though I'm not sure if I'm going to. I'm looking forward to having a nice day at the museum with my mom and then sushi and drinks with my friends later that evening. This will be the last week of partying as after that it's back on track. Basically I just plan of working on some other business ventures outside of poker, working out super hard again and getting into total shape and grinding hard.
Pretty much in that order as well as Vegas burnt me out a little from poker. One plus side is I'm still in pretty decent shape from the hard work before Vegas and within a few months I should be in ideal shape. I really enjoy working out and eating well and my body is really missing the routine we had going before. So I plan on doing the velocity diet again as the result I got before we sick, doing it from this point will be killer.
Also getting the business stuff sorted out should take a week and then after that I am committing to grinding really hard again. I been slacking on that this year and running pretty bad at times but that’s all going to change. Getting everything worked out by having a blast for my birthday weekend then back on tracking in mind, body and spirit. Happy Trails.

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